Cliff & Barb Chapman Absolute NetAuction
Auction starts: March 25, 2021 at
01:00 PM EST
Closing begins: March 29, 2021 at
01:00 PM EST
Scottsville, NY
John Deere A late 1930's, narrow front end tractor, with power block for pulling, older restoration, needs battery, running within the last 2 years
1935 John Deere B tractor, 4 bolt front unstyled tractor with spoke wheels. Beautifully restored serial #2084.
Cockshutt 35 tractor, wide front end, fully restored to new condition.
John Deere D tractor, SN 158194, older restoration, very nice condition, running as of 3/4
1937 John Deere Unstyled A tractor, narrow front end, hand start, running within the last 2 years
1938 John Deere L tractor, SN 622152, older restoration, belt pully, nice condition, running within the last 2 years
1955 Cockshutt 20 tractor, original condition, stored inside, NOT running
1937 Case C tractor, older resoration, nice condition
Flather metal lathe, single phase, 4ft bed, tooling on the unit
Steel cabinet with tooling