Firearms, Coins, Diecast & Antiques
Auction starts: August 23, 2017 at
01:30 PM CDT
Closing begins: August 23, 2017 at
01:30 PM CDT
Ellsworth, WI
4" barrel, serial #AR499859, with shoulder holster and soft case
6" barrel, marbleized grip, serial #R58421
(1) clip, marbleized grip, serial #148531-C, with leather holster
3" barrel, double action, finish wear, serial #151338, in leather case
with clip, bolt action, Tasco scope, serial #70186128, with soft case
36-grain, hollow point, (500) rounds
etched receiver, 2-3/4" shells, serial #S1342205
pump action, not original stock, octagon barrel, barrel has pitting, serial #108907, made in 1901
brass embellishment, made in Italy, serial #8557, 35" barrel
serial #G161747, with pellets