Auction #2624 (12-11-12) Collectibles, Vintage Glassware, Ceramics, Porcelain, Jewelry, Vintage Purses, Home Decor, Electronics, Household Items and Antique Pocket Watches
Bidding starts: November 22, 2012 at
12:00 AM UTC
Closing begins: December 11, 2012 at
06:00 PM UTC
Worthington, OH
Item # 97
Pair of bisque figurines including Porcellane d'art C8841 of a man and his dog, very good detail and color, approx. 7"t x 6.5"w x 5.5"d, excellent condition and Price Import, Japan, figure of old man fishing, nice detail, approx. 9"h x 6"d x 6"w, has had something broken off on corner of mouth, tall branch has been broken and repaired, good condition otherwise.