Auction #2624 (12-11-12) Collectibles, Vintage Glassware, Ceramics, Porcelain, Jewelry, Vintage Purses, Home Decor, Electronics, Household Items and Antique Pocket Watches
Bidding starts: November 22, 2012 at
12:00 AM UTC
Closing begins: December 11, 2012 at
06:00 PM UTC
Worthington, OH
Item # 251
Elgin National Watch Co. s/n 19086513, porcelain face, good condition, runs, case is S.W.C. Co., 20 years plating, s/n 567818, 17" watch fob chain and South Bend Watch Co, s/n 866816, porcelain face, glow in the dark numbers and hands, runs, case is South Bend 20 yrs guarantee, Panama, s/n 10245808, good condition, both approx. 1.5".